Gaming on a Deadline

Photo of gaming console

Can school and gaming coexist?

Mark Lee, Staff Writer

October 23, 2023

Our responsibilities and pursuits change as we get older, altering how we enjoy gaming. 

Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo are the big players in the video games space and have been for more than 20 years. The gaming landscape has been very fast in its evolution, seemingly growing in popularity and functionality at the same rate mobile technology has been accelerating at a staggering pace.

The new age of gaming is here offering ways to play from any device in reach. However, with such power comes great responsibility. Can you be productive and successful with a hobby such as gaming by your side? 

“Most definitely,” said Brandon Mata, a student at Grossmont College. “It must be in moderation and aligned with your responsibilities. I have had many nights where everyone is online ready to play Minecraft, but I had a lot of schoolwork to complete which often takes priority.” 

This can leave behing FOMO, or the feeling of missing out. In many hobbies or group activities, not everyone can be there for the event and those that can’t often have prior responsibilities that take precedence. According to the Entertainment Software Industry, roughly 65% of students enrolled in classes across the globe engage in some form of video gaming occasionally to regularly throughout the week. This can account for nearly two to three hours of the day spent gaming for some students.

Rhys Trammell, a Grossmont nursing student, said he loves to get a match in of “Call of Duty” and “Madden” whenever he gets home. 

“When you finally get to sit on the couch after a long day with the controller in hand while starting up the game console, it feels wonderful to check into the game and start playing,” he said.  

When asked if the hobby has ever gotten out of control, making him miss a few assignments or not perform as well due to over-gaming, Trammell said:  “I have moments where it definitely crosses my mind, but I do always put my priorities at the forefront before any gaming takes place for my own sake.”

The fine line between fun and work is always there. Enjoy, have fun and play to your heart’s content– just make sure you don’t stay locked in for too long, as one quick match can turn into a whole afternoon missing from memory.

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