Master The Chaos

Black Friday poster

Use these Griffins’ latest tips and tricks for successful shopping without the stress.

Alana Mullaly, Staff Writer

November 11, 2023

Living in the United States comes with a lot of interesting customs and traditions. Among these, one standout practice is Black Friday. The day after filling our bellies with turkey and stuffing, we head to the mall to get our shopping on. 

On Black Friday, shops offer discounted prices on many products, including school supplies, both in-store and online. This day marks the beginning of the holiday season and shopping. 

However, the day can be stressful for some due to large crowds and the fear of missing out on a great bargain. 

If you are a die-hard holiday spender and partake in the bountiful sales of Black Friday, here are some tips and tricks to help you out on this stressful day. 

Sonja Rice, an avid Black Friday shopper, advised utilizing Black Friday deals online. This lets you shop at the convenience of your own home and saves you time traveling from store to store. 

Shopping online also allows you to compare prices from different retailers and find the best deals.

Isabelle Williamson said to shop on Black Friday’s counterpart, Cyber Monday. If you don’t like the rush and chaos of Black Friday, Cyber Monday focuses on online shopping. It offers similar discounts and deals but in a more serene online environment, complete with its own set of advantages.

However, if you prefer the traditional in-store experience, arriving early can prove beneficial. Big corporate retailers like Target, Best Buy and Walmart will have some early bird specials that you won’t want to miss. 

Another shopper, Michelle Garcia, said to “go out the earliest you can because there’s lots of early bird deals on Friday morning.” 

To get the ultimate shopping experience, utilize the deals on both Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

Other helpful tips and tricks are to plan ahead and make a list of all the items you need or want. This will help you decide on what stores to go to and help with preventing impulse buying. 

Following retailers on social media allows you to see exclusive deals or flash sales.  

Above all, remember to prioritize safety, patience and self-care by staying hydrated and well-rested. Black Friday presents an excellent opportunity to check off your holiday shopping list, and these tips and tricks will help you make it one for the books.

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